Tuesday, May 12, 2009

anadama bread and other things

well, i've jumped on a proverbial bandwagon. i joined a challenge online. and not just any challenge, but baking through the bread bakers apprentice by peter reinhart. every week, we're going to be doing a new recipe, and we're baking through the book in order. interestingly, i still need to get my hands on a copy of this book, but soon enough. soon enough.

so, the bread. i wasn't prepared for the crunch of it. it's slightly sweeter than i expected, but not quite a dessert bread. i used a jar of sorghum syrup i got up in the mountains last time i was in the hills, and it ended up being quite good. zoë and i have both enjoyed our slices of it, mine with nutella, her's with butter. once you get beyond the fact that it seems like you're eating a bowl of uncooked grits (which is an exaggeration) it's great bread. certainly not something i would have made otherwise, but something i'm enjoying.

i noticed it didn't rise quite as much as i had wanted. next time, i'm not going to assume it will rise during baking. one loaf ended up being a bit shorter and squattier than the other. what i really need to do is get my other loaf pans out, as these aren't really working so well for me.

i don't know about re-posting the recipe, but i will link to another blog who has. because i'm a scaredy cat like that. :)



  1. Great loaf. I let mine rise about an hour and a half each time. We have one slice left and I made it Sunday. :)
    FUN isn't it?

  2. yeah, for all my complaining, i've only got 1 1/3 loaf left, and i made it today.

  3. Funny. My room mates said they didn't really like the bread but by this morning there was basically only the heel left!! I think the taste kinda mellows out over the course of the day. We heated it and put butter on it- pretty good!! I'm making it again today to see if I can make it even better.
